Research Areas

Tracksys covers a wide range of behavioural research areas in the human and animal sciences. As we all are all former behavioural researchers we know the value of understanding the objectives of a research project so we supply the right solution.



Entomologists often make detailed observations of insect behaviour in the laboratory and field. Tracksys provides a range of behavioural measurement systems, tools and equipment supported by our experienced staff. Foremost among these are The Observer XT to analyse video or gather data live in the field and EthoVision XT for video tracking in controlled laboratory settings.


We also offer gait analysis and a range of bespoke filming solutions, so you can film day and night with or without mains power.



Teachers and researchers in education aim to improve teaching and learning in schools, at home or on-line by assessing different methods of delivery, interaction and technological intervention.
Tracksys enables researchers to observe teacher-learner interactions in a variety of environments, analyse these observations and provide immediate feedback to teachers and government organisations.
We also supply a range of teaching tools for demonstrating methods of behavioural observation backed by our experienced team.


Zoologists often need to make detailed observations in the field or laboratory, recording behaviour, activity and movement in a range of species from nematodes to primates.
Tracksys provide a range of behavioural measurement systems and recording equipment.
Ergonomics, Usability & HCI

Ergonomics, Usability & HCI

Ergonomists, Usability and HCI researchers often need to study people interacting with products or interfaces in a natural environment to make accurate and unbiased assessments.
Tracksys provide customised, portable solutions that allow the tester to observe and record user behaviour any time, anywhere.
All of our products are quick to set up, easy to use, and provide clients and users with immediate feedback backed by our experienced team.
Sports Science & Sports Coaching

Sports Science & Sports Coaching

Sports scientists make detailed observations of the movement and activities of athletes in a range of solo and team sports. Measuring and improving performance often requires combining physiological, biomechanical and behavioural data to provide a complete picture of performance.
Sports coaches need to provide immediate, specific feedback whatever the sport. This includes video playback to illustrate errors in technique, video highlights to motivate or a clear summary of improvement over many sessions. 
Tracksys offers a range of tools for measuring and improving sports performance backed by our experienced team. We have a range of users including coaches, trainers, lecturers and motion scientists.
Market Research

Market Research

Market researchers need to be able to assess focus groups and consumer behaviour quickly and accurately to deliver appropriate feedback in the form clients need.
Tracksys offer a range of easy-to-use tools for video analysis including eye movements through to complete integrated observation suites.