


Teachers and researchers in education aim to improve teaching and learning in schools, at home or on-line by assessing different methods of delivery, interaction and technological intervention.
Tracksys enables researchers to observe teacher-learner interactions in a variety of environments, analyse these observations and provide immediate feedback to teachers and government organisations.
We also supply a range of teaching tools for demonstrating methods of behavioural observation backed by our experienced team.

What do you need to do?

Observation Product
Film behaviours in a classroomPortable Labs
Measure gaze patterns in teachersTobii Pro Glasses 3
Score and analyse learning behavioursThe Observer XT
Record and observe lessons discretelyObservation Suites
Teach methods in behavioural observationThe Observer XT

Recommended Products

The Observer XT

The Observer XT

A complete system to collect, analyse and present observational data, be it human or animal, live or from video. User-friendly, flexible, with the ability to integrate and analyse other data streams, The Observer XT is the perfect hub for many researchers across a variety of disciplines, such as: psychology; zoology; pharmacology; education and training.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 are designed for academic researchers, UX experts and market research professionals, to capture natural gaze behaviour in real-world or virtual environments. Gaze data can be combined with biometric devices for more extensive discoveries into human behaviour.

Observation Suites

Observation Suites

We design, install, support and provide training for a range of behavioural observation laboratories from simple one-camera systems through to complex usability labs; featuring screen capture, mouse and keyboard logging, automatic emotion measurement, physiology and eye tracking.



Viso is a software suite for recording audio, video and screen capture from multiple rooms. Record from up to four IP cameras per room. Easily manage different recordings from one central location. When recording, you can set markers or add comments from any location. You can view the rooms offline or live as the recording is being captured.

Portable Labs

Portable Labs

Usability and HCI researchers often need to film their subjects on site, investigating real-world situations and providing immediate feedback.
Our portable observation labs have everything you need in a small lightweight case. You can record, analyse and present your results there and then.



TrackLab is the solution for research into behaviour, welfare, and health of many different livestock animals, companion animals and humans. It is the versatile work-bench for all your studies in both indoor and outdoor settings from the field to the barn, or the classroom to the playground.

Example Scenarios

Here are some of the scenarios relevant to Education and the products that would be appropriate.

Scenario Recommended Products
Record peer interactions in a classroom

Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Portable Labs

The Observer XT

Assess distance learning programs

The Observer XT


Study game-play in the playground

The Observer XT

Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Portable Labs

Analyse behavioural patterns during task-learning

Observation Suites

Portable Labs

The Observer XT

Study eye contact during interactive tasks

Tobii Pro Glasses 3


The Observer XT

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