The Observer XT

The observer xt


A complete system to collect, analyse and present observational data, be it human or animal, live or from video. User-friendly, flexible, with the ability to integrate and analyse other data streams, The Observer XT is the perfect hub for many researchers across a variety of disciplines, such as: psychology; zoology; pharmacology; education and training.


Free 30 day trial available to evaluate the software and support grant bids.

How it Works

  • Set up independent variables, such as: gender; age and experience
  • Design coding scheme, specifying all behaviours of interest
  • Code behaviours live or from video, on a PC, laptop or mobile phone, using a mouse or key strokes
  • Integrate external data, such as eye tracking or physiology
  • Visualise data through graphs, tables and annotated video highlights
  • Analyse data, selecting from a wide range of statistical parameters
  • Check intra- and inter-rater accuracy using in-built Reliability Analysis
  • Export data to Excel or SPSS for further analysis

Contact us for a quote or demonstration.

Features and Benefits

Feature Benefit
Generate descriptive statistics and graphs instantly, formatted the way you need themQuick access to meaningful data
Use any video source and view/log behaviours multiple times, to add depth to your observationsComplex data can be collected easily, without error
View up to 20 videos simultaneously in the same observationCode behaviours from different camera angles
Collect quantitative and qualitative behavioural data in any situationEasy access to the data you want, in the form you need it, whatever your application
Synchronise coding with external devices and import dataIntegrate your behavioural coding with other events
Access any point in your video at the touch of a button and generate video highlights Great for teaching, training, coaching or presentations
Mobile solutions available using an android phoneCode live wherever you need to, inside or out


These are the options available for this product:

Option Purpose
The Observer XT Base ModuleExperimental design, live coding and analysis
Video ModuleAdd-on to the Base Package for Video Analysis & Video Highlights
External Data ModuleImport and view datastreams from external devices
Coder LicenceData collection only, useful for multiple coders on a large project
E-prime ModuleE-prime plug-in with USB stick, no software
Pocket ObserverFor live coding out and about using an android phone
uASQQuestionnaire tool
uLogLogs keyboard strokes


Here are some of the many scenarios which have used The Observer XT:

Developmental Psychologists
Analysing parent-child interactions
Researching predator efficiency
Analysing the workload of railway signalmen
Web Developers
Usability testing of websites
Sports Scientists
Identifying subtle weakness and strengths in the national rugby team
Sports Coaches
Producing match statistics and highlights clips
Market Researchers
Looking at shopping behaviour
Analysing patient-doctor interactions from audio only recordings
Coding primate behaviour in Africa using a tablet or mobile phone

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