The MCS provides an operant method of pain
testing with rodents that complements reflexive methods by addressing
cognitive and motivational processing. Rodents are placed on one side of
a height-adjustable array of nociceptive probes and given the
opportunity to cross the array to escape from an aversive lighted area
to a preferred dark area. The array consists of blunt tapered probes
that are painful but not sharp enough to cause any tissue damage when
walked on by the rodent.
How it Works
Rodents escape aversive light to rewarding dark chamber by deciding to cross nociceptive probes.
Using various pain models, studies can be done with such measured responses as:
- Number of complete crosses
- Time to exit the light chamber (latency)
- Time to cross the probes, etc.
Significant stimulus response relationships have been observed between probe height and these measured responses.