fNIRS systems

Non-invasive, imaging research systems using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to detect brain activity. A number of different wavelengths are used to detect the changes in concentration of oxy-haemoglobin, deoxy-haemoglobin and total haemoglobin.

Artinis OxyMon

Artinis OxyMon

A user-friendly, flexible and very versatile NIRS system, with applications commonly found in: fNIRS; hyperscanning; brain oxygenation monitoring; and brain computer interface.

Artinis Brite MKII

Artinis Brite MKII

A wearable multi-channel fNIRS device for use in: brain oxygenation monitoring; sports science; functional studies; cerebral studies; and hyperscanning. Non-invasive and wireless, great for studies in and out of the lab.

Artinis OctaMon / Octamon+

Artinis OctaMon / Octamon+

A truly portable NIRS device for use in: brain oxygenation monitoring; sport science; functional studies; cerebral studies; and hyperscanning.

Artinis PortaMon

Artinis PortaMon

A wearable, wireless NIRS device designed for measuring muscle oxygenation. Used in: sports science; rehabilitation; urology research and mitochondrial capacity research. Great for in and out of the lab.