We offer a range of fixed and portable behavioural observation labs from complete systems integrating eyetracking, physiology, emotion and behaviour to one-camera systems for field use. All our labs are bespoke – designed to fit your research and teaching plans now and for the future.
The all-in-one, synchronised behavioural observation platform.
Viso is a software suite for recording audio, video and screen capture from multiple rooms. Record from up to four IP cameras per room. Easily manage different recordings from one central location. When recording, you can set markers or add comments from any location. You can view the rooms offline or live as the recording is being captured.
We design, install, support and provide training for a range of behavioural observation laboratories from simple one-camera systems through to complex usability labs; featuring screen capture, mouse and keyboard logging, automatic emotion measurement, physiology and eye tracking.
A complete system to collect, analyse and present observational data, be it human or animal, live or from video. User-friendly, flexible, with the ability to integrate and analyse other data streams, The Observer XT is the perfect hub for many researchers across a variety of disciplines, such as: psychology; zoology; pharmacology; education and training.
Noldus Media Recorder enables synchronous recording from up to 8 video and audio sources at a time.
Compact, portable, screen-based eye tracker, capturing data at speeds of up to 250Hz.
Tobii Pro Glasses 3 are designed for academic researchers, UX experts and market research professionals, to capture natural gaze behaviour in real-world or virtual environments. Gaze data can be combined with biometric devices for more extensive discoveries into human behaviour.
MindWare's line of ambulatory and wireless monitoring solutions are flexible to meet your most demanding research needs.
A wearable multi-channel fNIRS device for use in: brain oxygenation monitoring; sports science; functional studies; cerebral studies; and hyperscanning. Non-invasive and wireless, great for studies in and out of the lab.