Tracksys is running a Masterclass on Eyetracking, Physiological Measurement and integrated behavioural analysis.
In early 2025 EthoVision XT 18 will be released with new Social Interaction features based on Deep Learning, with no need to colour mark.
Tracksys contributed an article to The Ergonomist December 2024 issue. You can read the full article here.
NoldusHUB sets a new standard for integrated and synchronised behavioural data collection, visualisation and analysis.
Dr. Kovlyagina
and her collaborators have developed a novel experimental and computational
pipeline to operationalize trait anxiety in male and female inbred (C57BL6J)
mice. For this webinar Dr. Kovlyagina will provide insight into the methodology
of their pipeline and how EthoVision XT contributed to it. Sign up here for the seminar on April 11th.
The Observer XT now integrates with the Bitbrain EEG Diadem device
Qualisys Equine User-group Meeting UK 2023
Tracksys will be at SfN in the Walter E. Washington Conference Centre in Washington D.C. from the 11-15th November.